I started using the name taraocity over a decade and a half ago when I purchased my first laptop. It seemed no matter how life kept pulling me into the past or pushing toward the future, I strived to stay present, in my heart and my mind. Journaling has always been a welcome friend to keep me in the contemplative place.
I am taraocity….and this is my blog. Or inspiration space. Or rant of the moment. Or random thoughts of fear or triumph. Whatever it is, I made only one promise….to be me, in the moment.
Want to reach me personally? email me at taraocity@gmail.com
pr/marketing/social media
It’s PR that needs to be creative. It’s PR that needs to be new and different. It’s PR that needs to be original. The best way to establish a brand is to create a new category, and creating a new category requires creative thinking of the highest order.” —Al & Laura Ries (authors of The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding)
Looking to jump into Digital Marketing for your business or organization?
I am here to help!
Whether getting you started from the ground up, training your staff, or managing your campaign, my offerings are customized to fit your needs and budget.
I currently offer several services, including the following:
- Digital Marketing Consulting
- Social Media Strategy
- Brand Strategy
- Blog and Social Media Design
- Website Design for WordPress
- Digital Marketing Analytics
- Writing/Copy Editing Services
- Freelance/Contract Work
- Administrative Assistance
Contact me at 540-420-4602 or email taraocity@gmail.com to schedule a consultation.